Just For Fun

Anyone who’s ever met me knows that I have a deep love for anything and everything Disney. I’m not kidding you, I have spent my entire morning watching Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty. I have the ability to sing every word to (almost) every Disney song and you better believe I’m going to attend college at a school within 20 minutes from the happiest place on Earth.

I think I might have a slight obsession.

Either way, when I saw the recipe for the Tiki Room’s (it’s from Disneyland if you’ve never heard of it) famous Dole Pineapple Whip, I decided to use it to help cross another thing on my bucket list.

15) Make a Pinterest recipe

Mmmmmmmmmm, heaven.

Mmmmmmmmmm, heaven.

Basically Dole Whip is frozen pineapples blended to the consistency of frozen yogurt. It’s super delicious and actually relatively healthy. I’ve included the link to the website just in case you want it. I’d recommend it if you feel like having a piece of the Magic Kingdom for a little bit. http://detoxinista.com/2013/02/pineapple-whip/

I’ve also checked a couple other things off of my bucket list.

16) Meet new people (a scary thing in theory but actually was really fun)

17) Buy a meal for someone (I bought lunch for my youth band)

18) Go stargazing.

Okay I have to talk a little bit about the last one. I’d always thought of stargazing as like a date type of adventure. You know, every girl dreams about it. But the way I did it was way more fun. Over spring break, a group of my friends got together and had a bonfire. That was pretty fun in and of itself. I rode a zipline in the dark and had a slight panic attack. Anyways, near the end of the night two of my friends and I got blankets and pillows and laid in the bed of a truck. We just hung out, talked, and looked at the stars. We tried to figure out the constellations. I’m pretty sure we were totally wrong, but it was so fun. No guys were needed to make it an enjoyable experience. We cracked ourselves up and had a really great time.


It was a little cold, but totally worth it.

This adventure just keeps getting better and better! Talk to you soon!

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